SOOO.... i have NO idea why, but i have always wanted a blog. So i asked Chase if we could make one, and he said that, that is what married people do and maybe i could make one when we get married. So i have been so bummed about it! haha But, Chase asked me to marry him! Soo... i asked if we could make one now. and he said yes! well..... kind of ha he said "i guess, but it has to be cool it can't be lame!" so now i am making one and i have no idea what he means by cool and not lame. but i am guessing he just doesn't want it to be all GiRlY.... not that it even matters he will probably never even look at it! And we aren't married yet.... but oh well close enough! but ANYWAYS.... about the engagement... Chase FINALLY asked me to marry him on January 2nd! He gets upset when i say finally but, after 6 1/2 years... it kind of is finally right!?! hahaha but we set the date for April 4th. in hopes that my brother AJ (who just joined the army) could come home for it. Which we still do not know, and won't know until he gets to wherever he goes after boot camp. So hopefully everything works out and he can come home! .....i wanted to put up some pics from the engagement night but they are all on Chases computer so i will upload some later!